Ontario's Premier Fabricator
and Installer of Metal Roofing
London Eco-Metal Blog

Summer Installation Tips for Metal Roofs

Summer’s here, and for many Toronto homeowners, that means tackling those long-awaited home improvement projects. Roof replacements often rise to the top of the list, and with good reason. A sustainable new roof can significantly enhance your home’s curb appeal, value, and energy efficiency. If you’re considering a metal roof – a fantastic choice for …

Can A Metal Roof Be Replaced In Winter?

Here in Ontario, we are no strangers to harsh winter weather. And with harsh weather comes unexpected expenses – such as suddenly needing a new roof in the middle of Winter! The main advantage metal roofing has when it comes to winterizing your home is that, barring a snowstorm, metal roofs can be installed in …

Can I Install a Metal Roof During the Winter?

If you take the time to call around to roofing professionals throughout your area, and ask them if they can install a roof in the winter, most of them will probably say no. When it comes to materials such as asphalt, they rely on the pressure and heat of the season to activate the sealant …

How To Prepare For Metal Roof Installation

You must be as excited as we are about your upcoming metal roof installation. After all, you’re about to be the owner of an incredibly durable, attractive metal roof that will protect your home for decades! But no big project comes without the necessary forethought and preparation. To help you get ready for your metal …

Tips For A Successful Metal Roof Installation

One of the first steps to a long lasting metal roof is proper installation. The right installation job will have your metal roof looking and performing great for years to come. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to make your metal roof installation a success from the beginning. Read on for our expert’s …