Ontario's Premier Fabricator
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Can Ice & Snow Damage Your Metal Roof

Ice and Snow Damage Metal RoofsWe’re no strangers to harsh winter weather in Ontario. Which means it’s important to ensure your property is secure and safe from the winter elements. Your roof is one of the biggest contributors towards that safety. If you are the proud owner of a metal roof, you may be wondering if ice and snow will be the downfall of it. Can ice and snow damage your metal roof? Let’s find out!

Can Ice and Snow Damage Your Metal Roof?

While ice and snow are typically the enemy of roofs everywhere, metal roofs provide much better protection from winter weather damage than many other types of residential roofing.

How Does A Metal Roof Withstand Winter Damage?

Metal roofs are designed to keep the elements from damaging your home – snow and ice included! When snow falls on asphalt shingle roofs, it can quickly accumulate and needs to be shoveled off to avoid roof damage. Because of how metal roofs are made, snow and ice will simply slide right off. This means you won’t have to worry about ice dams, which can cause irreparable water damage both inside and outside your home. And because metal roofs are so durable, you won’t need to be concerned about ice and snow causing your panels to become brittle.

Should I Install Snow Guards On My Metal Roof?

Absolutely! All that snow has to go somewhere, and you don’t want it all sliding off at once. Snow guards are components installed on the roof that allow any accumulated ice or snow to fall off slowly and systematically instead of unexpectedly or suddenly. The weight of ice and snow is evenly distributed by the roof snow guards, avoiding any damage. 

Metal roofs can see your home through the harshest of winters! If you’re concerned about ice and snow damaging your roof, consider installing a metal one.  While it can be tricky to install other types of roofing materials during the winter, metal roofs can be! So if you find yourself in need of a new roof this winter, metal is your best bet.

Ready to learn more about your metal roofing options, contact our qualified team of professionals at 1.855.838.9393 or info@londonecometal.com.