Ontario's Premier Fabricator
and Installer of Metal Roofing
London Eco-Metal Blog

How to Choose the Right Colour for your Metal Roof


Choosing a colour for your new metal roof has never been more exciting: there is an abundance of colour options and styles to choose from. It can be easy, however, to get lost in the variety of choices available to you. In this article we will discuss the practical and aesthetic considerations to keep in mind when choosing the right colour for your metal roof.


Consider the style of your home. The colour of your roof should complement, or contrast, the exterior elements of your home’s design, such as the doors, landscape, and siding.


The quality of the paint finish will keep your roof looking fresh for years to come, even when exposed to the elements! Choosing a paint that has been treated with a UV blocking resin will also help prevent premature fading and peeling.


Do you want something modern? Monochromatic? Bold and unique? The abundance of options available today makes achieving whatever look you have in mind possible. Perhaps you want to make a large roof seem less imposing, in that case choosing a darker color would be in your interest.


YES – the colour of your roof can affect your energy bills! Lighter roofs will reflect the sun’s heat, making them a perfect option for those living in a hotter climate with a lot of sun exposure. That being said, many metal roofs today, even those in darker shades, are known for having high energy efficiency ratings.

The available options for which colour to choose for your roof are limitless! There are even ways to choose custom colours and glossiness levels, making personalization of your home easier than ever. But remember, a metal roof will keep its colour for years to come. By following our tips for choosing the right colour for your metal roof, you will be sure to choose a roof colour that you will love year after year!

Need more help making a decision? Our experts are happy to assist you! Contact us today at 855.838.9393 or info@londonecometal.com.