Ontario's Premier Fabricator
and Installer of Metal Roofing
London Eco-Metal Blog

Why is My Metal Roof Leaking?

Metal roofing provides unique durability, sustainability, and security for your home or business. However, even this strong substance has leaks. While these problems rarely lead to emergency roof repair, knowing how to identify and fix roof leaks will help you protect your home. What are some of the most common reasons for metal roof leaks? …

7 Signs It’s Time for a New Roof from London Eco-Roof

You’re in and out of your house every day, but how often do you really look at your roof?  If your roof is 10-15 years old, you should look at it more closely than you think!  It’s better to spot the signs from the outside, instead of waiting for that leak to appear in your …

Metal Roofs – An Introduction / Environmental Benefits

The original article is posted on “Roofing Products” web site titled “Metal Roofs – An Introduction”. Visit their web site for the full copy of the article at: http://www.roofing-products.com/metal-roofs/metal-roof-info/metal-roofs-an-introduction/ Advantages A greater degree of protection from the elements, specifically the harsher elements, is offered by metal roofing systems, as opposed to other types of roofs. …

Heat Loss Problem

Heat loss is the term for heat that escapes through the ceiling of the home into the attic, then eventually through the roof deck. Proper air flow or circulation will have a large effect on reducing the amount of heat that escapes through the roof deck. The only way to correct a heat loss issue …