Ontario's Premier Fabricator
and Installer of Metal Roofing
London Eco-Metal Blog

Metal Roofing Blog

Eco-Roof Express – Metal roofs for everyone

Enterprise Profile

When we began offering the same quality, with lots of colour and texture selection, it was very popular among homeowners and contractors. And once they replaced the roof on their house, they came back looking for material to do a shed, gazebo or maybe a cottage.

Almost from the day Joe and Derek Malec opened London Eco-Roof, customers began asking them if they could buy material directly from them for smaller roofing and renovation jobs.

Beginning Monday (September 24, 2012), after two years of planning and preparation, they can finally say: “Yes.”

Monday Malec opens Eco-Roof Express, a retail store at 1682 Dundas Street East, where homeowners, contractors and anyone else can buy material to install metal roofs.

“We’ve had so many customers who wanted to buy directly from us for their projects, and now we have a place where they can see all our products on display and purchase everything they need for their project,” Malec says.

London Eco-Roof has made a huge impact on the local roofing business in the last two years by offering durable, stylish metal roofs at affordable prices. Guaranteed for 50 years, they are a great alternative to traditional shingles that typically wear out after 7 -12 years.

“Metal roofs are a great solution, but they also are more expensive,” Malec says. “When we began offering the same quality, with lots of colour and texture selection, it was very popular among homeowners and contractors. And once they replaced the roof on their house, they came back looking for material to do a shed, gazebo or maybe a cottage.”

“We weren’t set up to sell material directly to people for those kinds of projects, but now we are at our Eco-Roof Express location.”

The new store will sell a variety of metal roofing material, including a 29-gauge version that sells for only 92 cents per square foot. It’s ideal for small projects like sheds and garages. It comes in fewer colours but comes with the same 50-year warranty as the thicker material used on house roofs.

In addition to the metal sheeting, the new store will sell all the material and tools needed to do the job, everything from screws to snips, nibblers to drills, not to mention instructional videos, brochures and work sheets.

Because so many roofing projects include skylights, the new store will also sell a wide variety of skylights and related materials. SolaTube skylights are particularly popular because they take light from a convenient location outside and direct it to any room, through a fixture that looks just like a pot light, in 10 or 14 inch sizes.

“Skylights can be a lot of work but these SolaTubes deliver all the light you want and are much easier to install and maintain,” Malec says.

All this week, the new store will feature opening week deals and prizes, including a draw for a barbecue. It will be open from 9-5 weekdays and 9-2 Saturday.

If demand for the new store is what Malec expects, he plans to take the concept to the other cities across Ontario.

“Metal roofs make so much sense, and now we can give our customers exactly what they want, selling directly to them, “ he says. “We’re looking forward to serving our customers with this new concept.”

Eco-Roof Express
1682 Dundas Street East
Toll Free: 1-855-838-9393
www.ecoroofexpress.com (look for improved website coming this fall)

Originally published in The London Free Press, Home section on Saturday, September 22, 2012.

Ventilation key to proper insulation

A CLOSER LOOK: Without appropriate air flow, moisture buildup in an insulated attic may lead to mould and premature failure of roof decking and framing.

Rob Parker, Special to QMI Agency
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Posted with the permission of the author. Originally published in The London Free Press, Saturday, September 22, 2012.

One of the most effective ways to save on heating and cooling costs is to ensure your attic is properly insulated and vented. A well-insulated and vented attic will not only save you money, but will also prolong the life of your roof. With winter just around the corner, now is the time to check the state of insulation in your attic.

Just adding insulation to the attic is not enough. You must have the proper air flow to control moisture and heat buildup with proper ventilation. Moisture buildup in the attic will cause mould to grow on the wood surfaces, and lead to premature failure of the roof decking and framing. Heat buildup will lead to premature failure of the roof shingles.

According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp., the attic should be vented at a ratio of at least one to three, which means for every 300 square feet of attic space there should be one square foot of roof and soffit venting installed.

More is always better, and you need both roof and soffit vents for proper ventilation. These vents can, in most cases, be easily added. Bathroom and kitchen fans should never be vented into the attic as they will force warm moist air into the attic that can lead to mould growth or even wood rot. These vents need to exhaust to the exterior of the building either through a roof-mounted vent hood or a wall vent similar to a dryer vent.

Before adding insulation, make sure you check for and repair any roof leaks, as water will ruin the new insulation. When adding insulation to your attic, makes sure you don’t block the soffit vents. Soffit vents are those vents on the underside of the roof overhang.

Soffit vent strips should be installed before insulation is added to prevent the vents from becoming blocked. If your home has little or no roof overhang, consider installing gable-end vents to improve ventilation. A power roof-mounted attic fan is another option.

What type of insulation should you use? Blown or loose fill, either cellulose or fibreglass, are the most common materials used to insulate residential attics and are the ones most commonly installed in new homes; however, bat insulation is what most home owners will use when doing it themselves.

How much insulation does your house need? Today’s standard is R50, or about 37.5 cm (15 inches). The insulation should be continuous and at a consistent level. You must be sure you have completed all the work/repairs you needed to do before adding the insulation. Once the insulation has been added, any walking or crawling on the insulation will compact it and lower its R value. Do not store personal property in the attic as this will also compact the insulation and could possibly block air flow.

R values and their metric equivalent, RSI values, are a way of labelling the effectiveness of insulating materials. Insulation products sold in Canada are labeled with R and RSI values. The higher the R or RSI value, the more the material is resistant to heat movement. Provincial building codes specify minimum values for new construction.

Rob Parker is a registered home inspector with the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors and certified master inspector with the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors who does home inspections in the London area.

Call him at ThamesSpec Home Inspection Service at 519-857-7101, e-mail thamespec@rogers.com or visit www.thamespec-inspections.com.




Types of metal roofing article

As the popularity of metal roofing grows in Ontario, you will find a larger selection of products from which you can choose. Far from the corrugated metal used for commercial and agricultural roofs, metal roofing is now available in a range of styles, colors and even a variety of metals of which aluminum and steel are the most popular.

Read the full article on Aurora Shop Talk Blog.

London Eco-Roof Manufacturing Profile on Aurora Shop Talk

The roof is an important part of your home, serving both a practical and an aesthetic  purpose. A quality roof product that is installed properly protects your home from varying weather conditions and adds to the beauty of your home.

View our profile and featured videos at Aurora Shop Talk.

London Eco-Roof Manufacturing: Keeping a roof over London’s head

A family-owned and operated business, London Eco-Roof has positioned itself as a leader in the manufacturing of steel and aluminum roofing. Despite having only been in business since 2009, their environmentally aware business practices and their dedication to providing their customers with high-quality products have given London Eco-Roof Manufacturing a reputation for being among the best in the business. You take pride in your home. London Eco-Roof understands that, and they strive daily to provide customers like you with products and services that will give them a roof of which they can be proud.

President Joe Malec is excited about the company’s brand-new retail location, set to open next month. The store will be called Eco Roof Express, a division of London Eco-Roof and will serve as a one-stop shopping destination for everyone from a do it yourself person to the seasoned professional. The opening of the store was inspired by feedback from the company’s clients, who were looking for a way to purchase Eco-Roof’s high-quality products for smaller, at home jobs. Malec hopes to make his new store stand out from the competition. To achieve that, the store will feature large scale displays aimed at giving customers a clear idea of what the finished roof will look like. The display will be interactive allowing customer to actually touch the roofing materials.

The store will go beyond carrying a vast array of roofing supplies to include, for sale or rent, all of the related accessories customers will need to complete the job, a sort of “roofing superstore”. From the higher-end metal roofing products that customers have to come to associate with the Eco-Roof name to lesser-expensive options, the new Eco-Roof store will have the supplies, for every job and every budget. In addition, the store will be staffed by friendly, knowledgeable staff who will be on hand to answer your questions and give you a price quote. While you’re at the store, why not check out what they have to offer in terms of skylights and solar panels? If it goes on the roof of your house, you’ll find it at Eco-Roof.

Eco-Roof Manufacturing also specializes in creating a kit for every building job, from a full-scale home or cottage to smaller jobs such as a gazebo. They’ll cut the sheet metal to order and include all the materials necessary to complete your job, right down to the last nail. Pick up your kit in-store or have it delivered directly to your work site. One of the most innovative features of the new Eco-Roof Express is a machine that will be able to accurately cut your materials while you wait.

Located at 1682 Dundas St. E., and 335 Neptune Crescent in east London, Eco-Roof Manufacturing is open from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.

Originally published in London Community News – Thursday, July 26, 2012. Volume 2, Issue 29