Ontario's Premier Fabricator
and Installer of Metal Roofing
London Eco-Metal Blog

Why Choose Metal Panels For Construction?

Today’s most innovative building designs have been created through the use of architectural metal panels. Not just for their durability and strength, but for the incredible design opportunities that they can achieve. Here are just a few of the benefits that architectural metal panels can offer on your next construction project: Versatility Metal panels can …

Why Metal Roofs Are Better Than Shingles

If you’re in the market for a new roof, you have likely come across two of the most popular types to choose from – metal roofs vs. asphalt shingles. While there are several reasons one may consider either material, choosing the option that is best for your budget and building in the long term is …

Can Metal Roofing Panels Be Repaired?

Your metal roof panels have an expected lifespan of 50 to 100 years – a shelf life that is unrivaled in the roofing material industry. But like most materials which are consistently exposed to weather and the elements, metal roofs will eventually begin to deteriorate. Begging the question, can your damaged metal roofing panels be …

Can Metal Roofs Insulate Your Home In Winter?

Metal roofs are an excellent choice for keeping your home cool in the summer while cutting back on those extreme summer energy bills. But can that help keep you cozy and warm during the cooler months? Let’s take a look at how metal roofs insulate your home in Winter. How Can Metal Roofs Insulate Your …

Are Insulated Panels Affordable?

Utilizing insulated metal panels (IMPs) within building projects has become one of the most innovative developments within the construction industry. Used as interior cladding, exterior roofing, inner-room partitions – you name it! These panels combine durability with versatility;  reducing overall construction time, increasing structural lifespan, and minimizing both operating costs and maintenance responsibilities. But how …

Do Insulated Panels Keep Your Home Cool in the Summer?

An overbearing sun may be okay if you’re visiting the tropics. But you likely don’t want the same conditions beaming into your building or home. This is why it is important to fortify your building with insulated metal panels (IMPs). IMPs are one of the best ways to protect against intense summer rays, keeping your …

Is Metal Roofing Lightweight?

You likely haven’t put much thought into how much your roof weighs. But once you start to consider the question, it becomes obvious how important this detail really is. The roof is one of the largest features of your home. After all, it covers the entire house! Depending on the materials used in its construction, …

Are Metal Panels Eco-Friendly?

We make decisions every day that contribute to our overall carbon footprint. Reusable bags at the grocery store or declining a printed receipt are some small steps we can take. But as home or building owners, there are even bigger moves we can make that have a larger impact. One such decision is building with …

What is the Lifespan of a Metal Roof?

If you are considering making the upgrade to a metal roof, you probably have a lot of questions. Such as, can a metal roof withstand my local climate? How hard will a metal roof be maintained? Are there energy benefits to a metal roof? And perhaps the most important – how long will this investment …

Using Metal Wall Panels In Construction

Utilizing metal panels within building projects has become one of the most innovative developments within the construction industry. Used as interior cladding, exterior roofing, inner-room partitions – you name it! These wall panels combine durability with versatility;  reducing overall construction time, increasing structural lifespan, and minimizing both operating costs and maintenance responsibilities. What ways can …